Stop Dieting and Start Living!
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  1. #1
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    Stop Dieting and Start Living!

    Stop Dieting and Start Living!

    Have You Made the Change?
    -- By Dean Anderson, Behavioral Psychology Expert
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    You?ve heard it so many times that you probably say it in your sleep. "Diets don?t work; if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make a lifestyle change."

    But what does a lifestyle change look or feel like, and how do you know when you?ve made one? The way some people talk about it, you?d think there?s some sort of mystical wisdom you get when you ?make the change? that tells you when and what to eat, and how to stop worrying about the number on the scale. Does this mean you?ll finally stop craving chocolate and start liking tofu?

    The basic difference between a diet mentality and a lifestyle mentality is simply a matter of perspective. Having the right perspective may not make tofu taste better than chocolate, but it can make all the difference in the world when it comes to achieving your goals, avoiding unnecessary suffering along the way, and hanging onto your achievements over the long haul.

    Trust me on this. I?ve lost well over 350 pounds in my life?I know how to do that. But I also put 200 of those back on again, getting bigger each time. The 150 pounds I lost a few years ago is staying off, because I?ve changed my perspective.

    Here are the main ways a diet differs from a lifestyle:
    A diet is all about numbers?the number on the scale and the number of calories you eat and burn. Success is defined in terms of how well you stick to your numbers.

    A lifestyle change is all about you. It?s about lining up your eating and physical activity with your real goals and desires. Success is defined in terms of how these changes make you feel about yourself.

    The diet mentality assumes that reaching a certain weight is the key to finding happiness and solving other problems. That?s why messing up the numbers on any given day can be so upsetting?it means you?ve messed up on just about everything that really matters.

    The lifestyle approach assumes that being overweight is usually the result of other problems, not the cause. Addressing these problems directly is the best way to solve both the problems themselves and your weight issues. This means focusing on many things, not just the numbers on the scale or the Nutrition Tracker. Numbers only tell a small part of the story, and ?bad? numbers often provide good clues into areas that need attention.

    Going on a diet involves an external and temporary change in eating technique. You start counting and measuring, and you stop eating some foods and substitute others, based on the rules of whatever diet plan you are using. Maybe you throw in some exercise to burn a few extra calories. You assume that it?s the technique that produces the results, not you. The results of a diet are external; if you?re lucky, you may change on the outside?but not on the inside. Once you reach your goal weight, you don?t need the technique anymore, and things gradually go back to ?normal.? So does your weight?and then some. And, of course, all the problems you hoped the weight loss would solve are still there.

    Making a lifestyle change involves an internal and permanent change in your relationship with food, eating, and physical activity. You recognize that the primary problem isn?t what you eat, or even how much you eat, but how and why you eat. Eating mindlessly and impulsively (without intention or awareness) and/or using food to manage your emotions and distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts?this is what really needs to change. Learning to take good care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually?so that you don?t want to use eating to solve problems it really can?t?is a lifelong learning process that is constantly changing as your needs and circumstances change.
    This doesn't mean the surface level things don't matter. Clearly, controlling how much and what you eat is vital, and caring how you look is a great motivator. The real issue here is where you fit into the picture. The key to both permanent weight loss and feeling satisfied and happy with yourself and your life is to take personal responsibility for what you can control, and let go of everything else.

    Many factors that are out of your control?your genes, age, medical status and previous weight history? will affect your weight and appearance. These factors may determine how much weight you can lose, how quickly you?ll lose it, and how you?ll look and feel when you?ve gone as far as you can go. When you focus too narrowly on the numbers on the scale or what you see in the mirror, you are staking your happiness and satisfaction on things you really can?t control. That pretty much guarantees that you?ll be chronically worried, stressed, and uncomfortable?and more likely than ever to have problems with emotional eating.

    And when you rely too much on external (diet) tools, techniques, and rules to determine your behavior, you are turning over your personal responsibility to the tools and techniques. If you find yourself frequently losing motivation or feeling powerless to control your own behavior, it?s probably because you?re counting on the tools to do your part of the work for you. You?re the only one who can decide what?s right for you; only you can change your attitude and perspective to match your personal reality.

    There are many articles in the Resource Center and countless conversations on the Message Boards that offer good information and practical ideas for putting yourself in charge of your own lifestyle makeover. In fact, one of the best ways you can start the transition from a diet to a lifestyle is by taking on the responsibility to identify the problems you need to work on and gather the info you need. Whether it?s coming to terms with emotional eating, improving your body image, or finding a vision of the life you want to live?you?ll find that you aren?t alone and that plenty of support and help is available.

    You just need to take that first step away from the diet mentality and closer to a new and improved life(style).

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    μπορει καποιος να το μεταφρασει????

    Σταματα τη διαιτα Αρχισε την ζωη!

  3. #3
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    μια κουβεντα ειναι αυτο!!!

  4. #4
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    ουσιαστικα αυτο που λεει δεν ειναι να μην ασχολειται κανεις καθολου με τη διατροφη και το βαρος του.

    αλλα οτι το κλειδι ειναι να φτιαξεις τον τροπο ζωης σου, οχι να κρατας εναν αρρωστημενο τροπο ζωης και απλα να κανεις διαιτα.

    μεσα στο βελτιωμενο τροπο ζωης ειναι και η σωστη σχεση με το φαγητο.

  5. #5
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    το δικο μου σχολιο παντως στη ζωη πηγαινε...

  6. #6
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    Μπραβο ρε συ ΡΙΑ.Πολυ ενδιαφερον.

  7. #7
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    Αν μου πει καποιος τον τροπο να εχω απο πανω το κειμενο για να το βλεπω ευχαριστως να το μεταφρασω

  8. #8
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    Καλημέρα! lessing θα κανεις το καλό? εγω ενα lower της κακιας ωρας εχω και αν μεταφρασω θα είναι πολύυυυυυ ελευθερη η μετάφραση... :duh:

  9. #9
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    Το εχεις ακουσει τοσες πολλες φορες που πιθανως να το επαναλαμβανεις κ στον υπνο σου:οι διαιτες δεν λειτουργουν.Αν θες να χασεις κιλα και να τα διατηρησεις χρειαζεται να κανεις αλλαγη στον τροπο ζωης σου.
    Αλλα πως ειναι μια αλλαγη του τροπου ζωης σου,πως την αισθανεσαι κ πως ξερεις αν οντως την εχεις κανει;Ο τροπος που μιλανε για αυτη ορισμενοι ανθρωποι μοιαζει σαν μαζι με την αλλαγη να παιρνεις κ ενα ειδος ''μαγικης σοφιας''που σου λεει ποτε κ τι να τρως κ πως να σταματησεις να στενοχωριεσαι για το νουμερο της ζυγαριας.Αυτο σημαινει οτι τελικα θα σταματησεις να λαχταρας τη σοκολατα κ θα προτιμας το τοφου;(τοφου:τυρι απο σογια)
    Η βασικη διαφορα απο τη νοοτροπια της διαιτας και τη νοοτροπια του τροπου ζωης ειναι απλως θεμα προοπτικης.
    Ιδου οι διαφορες:Η διαιτα εχει να κανει με αριθμους.Αριθμους που βλεπεις στη ζυγαρια,αριθμους θερμιδων που τρως και καις.Η επιτυχια καθοριζεται απο το ποσο πιστα ακολουθεις τους αριθμους.
    Η αλλαγη στο στυλ της ζωης σου εχει να κανει με σενα.Ειναι το πως κανεις lining up το φαγητο σου κ τη φυσικη σου δραστηριοτητα με τους πραγματικους στοχους σου κ επιθυμιες σου.Η επιτυχια καθοριζεται με το πως οι αλλαγες αυτες σε κανουν να αισθανεσαι για τον εαυτο σου.
    Η νοοτροπια της διαιτας υποθετει οτι το να φτασεις σε ενα συγκεκριμενο βαρος ειναι το κλειδι που θα σου δωσει την ευτυχια κ θα λυσει τα υπολοιπα προβληματα.Γι αυτο αν μια μερα δεν τηρηθουν οι αριθμοι μπορει να αποβει ιδιαιτερα αποκαρδιωτικο καθως ολα βασιζονται εκει.H προσεγγιση του στυλ ζωης υποθετει οτι το να ειμαστε υπερβαροι ειναι το αποτελεσμα αλλων προβληματων κ οχι η αιτια.Αντιμετωπιζοντας κατευθειαν αυτα τα προβληματα λυνονται κ αυτα κ τα θεματα βαρους.Αυτο σημαινει οτι εστιαζουμε σε πολλα θεματα κ οχι μονο στη ζυγαρια.Τα νουμερα μας λενε ενα μικρο μερος της ιστοριας κ συχνα τα ''κακα''νουμερα ειναι ενδειξη για τομεις της ζωης μας που πρεπει να προσεξουμε.Το να μπεις σε μια διαιτα περιλαμβανει μια εξωτερικη κ προσωρινη αλλαγη στον τροπο που τρωει κανεις.Αρχιζεις να μετρας κ να ζυγιζεις,περιοριζεις ορισμενα τροφιμα κ αντικαθιστας αλλα , βαση των κανονων της διαιτας που ακολουθεις.Εννιοτε προσθετεις στο προγραμμα σου κ γυμναστικη για να ''καψεις''μερικες εξτρα θερμιδες.Θεωρεις οτι ειναι το προγραμμα της διαιτας που σου δινει το αποτελεσμα κ οχι εσυ.Αν εισαι τυχερος τα αποτελεσματα ερχονται αλλα ειναι εξωτερικα κ οχι εσωτερικα.Δεν εχεις αλλαξει μεσα σου.Αφου εφτασες στο στοχο σου δεν χρειαζεσαι πια την ολη τεχνικη κ σταδιακα επανερχεσαι στα ''κανονικα''σου-το ιδιο ομως και τα κιλα σου συν μερικα ακομα.Και φυσικα ολα τα προβληματα που νομιζες οτι η απωλεια του βαρους θα λυσει,ειναι ακομα εκει.
    Το να κανεις την αλλαγη στον τροπο ζωης σου,περιλαμβανει μια μονιμη κ εσωτερικη αλλαγη στη σχεση σου με το φαγητο,τον τροπο που τρως,την φυσικη δραστηριοτητα που βαζεις στη ζωη σου.Αναγνωριζεις οτι το προβλημα δεν ειναι το τι τρως η ακομα κ ποσο τρως,αλλα το γιατι κ το πως τρως.Το να τρως αμυαλα κ παρορμητικα χωρις συνειδηση η προθεση η/και να χρησιμοποιεις το φαγητο για να διαχειριζεσαι το συναισθημα σου η για να αποφευγεις να σκεφτεσαι δυσαρεστα πραγματα-αυτο ειναι που πρεπει να αλλαξεις.Το να μαθεις να φροντιζεις τον εαυτο σου συναισθηματικα,σωματικα κ πνευματικα ετσι ωστε να μη θελεις να χρησιμοποιησεις το φαγητο για προβληματα που δεν μπορει να λυσει ειναι μια ισοβια διαδικασια που συνεχως αλλαζει αναλογα με τις αναγκες σου η τις εκαστοτε συνθηκες που αλλαζουν κ αυτες.Αυτο δεν σημαινει οτι το ''εξωτερικο' επιπεδο δεν μετραει.Σαφως το να ελεγχουμε τι κ ποσο τρωμε ειναι ζωτικης σημασιας και το πως φαινομαστε εξωτερικα ειναι ενα μεγαλο κινητρο.Το θεμα εδω ειναι που εσυ βρισκεσαι στο ολο πλαισιο.Το κλειδι για την μονιμη απωλεια βαρους καθως κ να νοιωθεις ευτυχισμενος κ ικανοποιημενος απο τον εαυτο σου κ τη ζωη σου,ειναι να παιρνεις προσωπικη ευθυνη για πραγματα που μπορεις να ελεγξεις κ να αφησεις τα υπολοιπα.Πολλοι παραγοντες που ειναι εξω απο τον ελεγχο σου οπως τα γονιδια η ηλικια η ιατρικη σου κατασταση κ το προηγουμενο βαρος σου μπορει να επηρρεασουν την εμφανιση σου.Αυτοι οι παραγοντες μπορει να επηρρεασουν το ποσο βαρος θα χασεις,το ρυθμο με τον οποιο θα το χασεις κ πως θα αισθανεσαι οταν φτασεις μεχρι εκει που μπορεις να πας.Οταν εστιαζεις περιορισμενα μονο στη ζυγαρια κ στο πως φαινεσαι στον καθρεφτη,περιοριζεις την ικανοποιηση κ την ευτυχια σου σε παραγοντες που δεν μπορεις να ελεγξεις πραγματικα.Αυτο σου διασφαλιζει μονιμα την ελειψη ανεσης,το στρες,το συναισθηματικο μπουκωμα και τη μονιμη στενοχωρια για το βαρος σου.Και οταν βασιζεσαι τοσο πολυ σε εξωτερικα εργαλεια οπως η διαιτα οι κανονες τα προγραμματα για να καθορισουν τη συμπεριφορα σου,στην ουσια παραδιδεις την προσωπικη σου ευθυνη σε αυτα τα εργαλεια.Αν βρισκεσαι συχνα σε κατασταση του να χανεις το κινητρο σου κ να μην μπορεις να ελεγξεις το φαγητο σου,σημαινει ακριβως αυτο:οτι εχεις αφησει τα ''εργαλεια'' να κανουν μερος της δουλειας για σενα.Μονο εσυ εισαι σε θεση να αποφασισεις τι ειναι σωστο για σενα.Μονο εσυ μπορεις να αλλαξεις συμπεριφορα κ προοπτικη ωστε να ταιριαξεις το ολο εγχειρημα ετσι ωστε να ταιριαζει στη δικη σου πραγματικοτητα.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    RIA συνειδητοποιησα οτι μου αρεσε πολυ το αρθρο αυτου του τυπακου που μεταφρασα.Το παρουσιαζει πολυ ωραια το θεμα.Μηπως εχει τοποθετηθει κ σε τιποτα αλλο ο τυπος;Μου αρεσει οπως τα λεει.Απο χτες το σκεφτηκα αρκετες φορες μπηκα κ στο σαιτ αλλα ψιλομπερδευτηκα δεν τον εντοπισα αν εχεις τσεκαρει εσυ κατι δικο του φερτο.Συγχαρητηρια παντως που το μετεφερες πολυ καλο!

  12. #12
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    Ηελοου ΡΙΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ.Ζητειται ΡΙΑ!!

  13. #13
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    lessing !!!!! Χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε κ ευχαριστώ για τη μετάφραση! Δεν ξέρω άλλο άρθρο του τύπου... τι να σου πω... κι αυτο τυχαία μου ήρθε στο email μου από το συγκεκριμένο site.

  14. #14
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    κατι βρήκα!!!

    Moderation in All Things
    How to Avoid the Diet Blues
    -- By Dean Anderson, Behavioral Psychology Expert

    What comes to mind for you when you hear the word diet? If you?re like most people, you probably imagine eating carrot sticks, going to bed hungry, and giving up your favorite foods?and that's why so many diets fail. Most people just can?t tolerate those kinds of restrictions for very long.

    The more you try to eliminate your favorite foods, the more feelings of discomfort, deprivation and resentment build up. This can result in bingeing on all the foods you?ve been denying yourself, undoing all your hard work in a single day. But even if you can avoid that problem, are you willing to eat like a rabbit for the rest of your life?

    Studies show that 95 percent of people who follow a highly restrictive diet to lose weight will put the weight back on when they return to ?normal? eating again. So what?s the alternative? How do you manage to lose weight without eliminating the problem foods and problem behaviors that made you overweight to begin with?

    The alternative is moderation?in your eating and, perhaps most importantly, in your thinking.

    What is Moderation?

    On the surface, moderation simply means avoiding extremes. It involves finding strategies and habits that can be maintained over the long-term, without cycling between one extreme and the other.

    At a deeper level, moderation is a commitment to balance and wholeness. It is rooted in the recognition that each person has many different (and often competing) needs, desires, abilities, and goals. Living up to your full potential means finding ways to incorporate all of them into your decision-making processes and choices.

    Practicing moderation in your weight loss program begins with practical strategies, such as counting calories, measuring portions, learning about your nutritional needs, and planning healthy meals. Achieving a reasonable rate of weight loss (about 1-2 pounds per week) by combining a tolerable calorie restriction with exercise is the moderate way to go. Fad diets, eliminating food groups, severely cutting calories and using diet pills are just as extreme as completely denying yourself foods that you enjoy.

    The idea is to follow a healthy, balanced, and enjoyable nutrition and fitness plan that you can stick with?for life. There?s no ?ending the diet? or going back to ?normal" eating or anything that will cause you to regain the weight you?ve lost. When you reach your goal weight, all you need to do is gradually increase your caloric intake to a level where you can maintain your weight loss.

    Sounds simple, right?

    Like many things, it's not quite as easy as it sounds. Chances are?you want results quickly. And you probably know that your current routine is problematic in one or more ways?too much fast food, sugar, or fat and not enough physical activity. Your natural inclination is going to be making big, sweeping changes to your diet and activity level right away.

    In short, everything in you is clamoring for a very anti-moderate approach. You?re primed to play the extreme diet game, even though your odds of winning are less than five percent.

    Moderate Your Thinking

    To rescue yourself from your own impatience (and the clutches of the diet industry that feeds on it), you need to moderate your thinking. Here are two core concepts that will help you do that:

    Concept #1: Food is not the enemy. There are no "good" or "bad" foods. True, some foods offer you a better nutritional deal than others. Refined sugar, for example, provides calories for energy but no other nutrients, while fruit is sweet but also provides vitamins and fiber in a low-calorie package. But refined sugar isn't evil or bad?it can have a place in a healthy diet. It's important to know what you need nutritionally and where you can find it, so you can take charge of balancing your needs for pleasure, nutrition, and fuel.

    The Payoff: When you stop labeling foods as good or bad, diet or non-diet, you won't feel guilty when you eat a food that isn't on your "approved" list. Instead you'll have more energy to learn about nutrition and improve your ability to make informed choices. And you won't have to give up your favorite treats if you find ways to work them into your meal plans so they don?t interfere with your health goals. Without the guilt and deprivation, you?ll be able to break the pattern of cravings, emotional swings, and binges that defeats so many diets. Without all those "diet" rules to follow, you?ll learn to trust your own instincts and make good judgments.

    Concept #2: Progress?not perfection?is important. To be successful, you don't have to always make perfect decisions and have perfect days where things go exactly as you planned. If you eat more or exercise less than you wanted to one day, you can make up for it over the next several days if you want, or you can just chalk it up to experience and move on. Remind yourself that what happens on any one day is not going to make or break your whole effort. This is not a contest or a race, where every little misstep could mean the difference between winning and losing. It?s your life?and you?ll enjoy it a lot more when you can keep the daily ups and downs of your eating and exercise routine in perspective.

    The Payoff: By refusing to be a perfectionist, you can take most of the stress out of weight loss. You?ll see small problems as what they are?very small problems, not major calamities that mean you've blown it. You'll be able to find pleasure and satisfaction in the fact you?re learning as you go and doing a little better all the time. No more making things worse because your perfectionism caused you to write off the rest of the day or week after one little slip.

    There are many more ways practicing moderation can help you both with weight loss and with creating your healthy lifestyle. Be sure to check out the new Wellness Resource Center for additional ideas on how to balance your life and meet all of your needs.

  15. #15

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