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  1. #1

    Πείτε κάτι θετικό εδώ

    Λοιπόν ανοίγω αυτό το θρεντ για να είναι χώρος να εστιάζουμε σε κάτι θετικό, κάτι αισιόδοξο, λίγη ελπίδα, κάτι για το οποίο είμαστε ευγνώμονες, διάφορα πράγματα που θέλαμε να γίνουν κι έγιναν.
    Γράψτε εδώ όλα αυτά, ο,τι θέλετε, ας είναι αυτό το θρεντ κάτι που θα μπαίνει κάποιος για να νιώσει καλύτερα. Πολλή μαυρίλα έπεσε. Ξέρω, μπαίνουμε στο φόρουμ για να πούμε τον πόνο μας να μας καταλάβουν αλλά τουλάχιστον ας έχουμε ένα μέρος αφιερωμένο στα καλά της ζωής. Δεν είναι όλα μαύρα η ζωή είναι γκρι. Λοιπόν περιμένω. Τα θετικά πράγματα στη ζωή σας.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    τζακ ποτ στο τζοκερ 8.888.888 ευρα σημερα

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    μας κάνει πλάκα ο οπαπ.
    διαβάζεται κι ανάποδα αν μπερδέψεις τα μηδενικά.
    θετικό είναι ότι δεν έχει μνομόνια λένε. από την άλλη δεν πέφτει το φπα ούτε το ρεύμα.

  4. #4
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    Επιτέλους μπήκαμε στην τελευταία βδομάδα του Αυγούστου. Να περάσει ο κωλομήνας! Θετικό για εμένα, δεν ξέρω για άλλους!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonia View Post
    Επιτέλους μπήκαμε στην τελευταία βδομάδα του Αυγούστου. Να περάσει ο κωλομήνας! Θετικό για εμένα, δεν ξέρω για άλλους!
    ωστε δεν πηγες διακοπες!

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    May 2007
    στη φωλιά μου...
    Έκλεισα εισιτήρια για τη συναυλία των Νταλάρα - Κότσιρα και χάρηκα... Ανυπομονώ!
    Στέκεσαι εδώ, δυο μέτρα μακριά μου όμως για μένα αυτά τα δυο μέτρα είναι ένα αδύνατο ταξίδι...

  7. #7
    Γύρισα από το χωριό του πατέρα μου (το λένε και κωμόπολη τρομάρα τους) εκεί που αν δεν έχεις παντρευτεί μέχρι τα 35 είσαι για τον Καιάδα. Ησύχασα από τους μαλακες στην απέναντι καφετέρια που καθονται ολη μέρα και σχολιάζουν και κρίνουν ολο τον κοσμο και δεν μπορείς να βγεις από το σπίτι σου. Γύρισα, ανεπνευσα ελεύθερα τον αέρα της Θεσσαλονίκης και νιώθω σχεδόν ευτυχισμένη σήμερα.
    Ρε παιδιά ειλικρινά εσείς που μενετε σε μικρά μερη έχετε το σεβασμό μου. Η κατάσταση εκεί δεν παλεύεται.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by nikos2 View Post
    ωστε δεν πηγες διακοπες!
    Διακοπές Αύγουστο δεν πάω ποτέ και δεν θα το ήθελα κιόλας ακόμα κι αν μπορούσα. Γενικά οι δικές μου διακοπές τείνουν να είναι πιο πολύ ταξίδια όπου είμαι σε κίνηση και όχι χαλάρωση και δεν με νοιάζει ο ήλιος και η θάλασσα. Τον Αύγουστο δεν τον πάω με τίποτα για άλλους λόγους. Μου τη σπάει η πολλή ζέστη, εδώ που είμαι τα τελευταία χρόνια με εκνευρίζουν τα σόγια που έρχονται και κάποιες μαζώξεις που δεν μπορώ να αποφύγω, δουλεύω πάρα πάρα πολλές ώρες και οι περισσότεροι που συναναστρέφομαι στη δουλειά τον Αύγουστο βγάζουν πάντα τα ψυχολογικά τους στους άλλους και φέρονται πολύ άσχημα και συγκριτικά με όλη αυτή τη βαβούρα και το χαμό δεν αφήνουν καν τα λεφτά που θα αφήσουν π.χ. τον Απρίλιο, τον Μάιο ή τον Σεπτέμβριο οι μισοί επισκέπτες, οι οποίοι είναι πολύ πιο πολιτισμένοι κι ευγενικοί κιόλας.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by garfield View Post
    Γύρισα από το χωριό του πατέρα μου (το λένε και κωμόπολη τρομάρα τους) εκεί που αν δεν έχεις παντρευτεί μέχρι τα 35 είσαι για τον Καιάδα. Ησύχασα από τους μαλακες στην απέναντι καφετέρια που καθονται ολη μέρα και σχολιάζουν και κρίνουν ολο τον κοσμο και δεν μπορείς να βγεις από το σπίτι σου. Γύρισα, ανεπνευσα ελεύθερα τον αέρα της Θεσσαλονίκης και νιώθω σχεδόν ευτυχισμένη σήμερα.
    Ρε παιδιά ειλικρινά εσείς που μενετε σε μικρά μερη έχετε το σεβασμό μου. Η κατάσταση εκεί δεν παλεύεται.
    Μπα, απλά τους γράφεις στα @@ σου και συνεχίζεις τη ζωή σου.

  10. #10
    A shaman was asked:
    What is Poison?
    - Anything beyond what we need
    is poison. It can be power,
    laziness, food, ego, ambition,
    vanity, fear, anger or whatever.

    Maybe love isn't what we've read about. It's not about
    the flowers and the promises. It's not about the kisses
    and the hugs. Sometimes love is a friend who
    stays.Sometimes, love is someone who chooses you
    even when they know their choices come with crazy
    consequences. It's that person who listens to you at
    2am without making you feel like you're burdening them
    with the weight of your heavy heart. It's that person who
    truly loves you, even when you tasted of chaos and pain.
    Love isn't about grand gestures, talking of plucking the
    stars for you or bringing the entire world on your feet. I
    don't think love could ever have one fixed definition.
    Sometimes as painful as it sounds, love is letting go.
    Because their happiness is more important than making
    them be stuck in spaces they no longer fit in. Love is
    accepting the good and the bad. The happy days, the
    sad days and all in between. Love is everything that
    gives you the will to go on, the urge to wake up every
    day because it makes you feel alive.
    -Talesofmaya via Instagram

  11. #11
    What Love Does
    Ruby Dhal
    One day you will learn that love does not hurt you or
    make you feel misunderstood. Love does not give you
    mixed signals or confuse you. Love is not one-sided or
    unsure about you, love is not one foot in and one foot
    out. Love does not lead you on to leave you or let you go.
    Love grips you by the hand and makes you stay. Love
    listens to your thoughts and understands you, love knows
    that you are not perfect, but it still accepts you with all
    your jagged edges and scars. Love appreciates that you
    need time and it gives you space for your healing. Love
    does not make you feel unworthy, no, love teaches you
    that you are worth everything and more. Love does not
    hold you back or stop you from flying, love becomes the
    reason you spread your wings to touch the sky.
    And the most important lesson of all - love teaches you
    new ways to love yourself, every single day.

    Ruby Dhal
    Let Go
    Often, the biggest lesson you can receive is knowing when to
    let go. It's so difficult to do - to look at someone who makes
    you incredibly happy, but also causes you undeniable pain and
    say, 'I am moving on from you'. But it's an action that you need
    to take if you care about yourself. It doesn't matter how happy
    they make you. If they are also the cause of your sorrow, then
    you must leave and not return until you can be just happy in
    their presence. This isn't to say that they can't bring you
    sorrow, but if there isn't an abundance of happiness and there
    is an abundance of pain - then you need to leave in order to
    save yourself. If you can never be just happy with them by your
    side, if pain will always follow- and outweigh - the happiness
    that they bring, then you need to accept that this was as far as
    this person was meant to stay in your life.
    Often, the most beautiful lessons are the hardest, and leaving
    is the most difficult out of the rest to do. But to love yourself,
    you need to learn to let go of those who can't give you the
    happiness that belongs with you.

  12. #12
    Love is a beautiful thing, it really is. When real love knocks on your door at a
    time the universe deems right, it will be gentle. It won't be like the love you
    thought you once had. With real love, you won't have to stay up all night
    drowning in tears wondering what you're not doing right. You won't have to
    drown the other person in handuls and handfuls of love to make them
    understand how worthy you are. Real love will be so utterly peaceful. They
    will adore you in ways you never thought was possible. Their gestures and
    words will be soft and pure, and their actions will match. They will have the
    kind of light in their eyes that you once had when you were loving the wrong
    person. Do you remember how dull and empty their eyes were? How much
    the emptiness of their soul and the fullness of yours brought you a pain
    beyond comprehension? With someone who is actually worthy of your love,
    you will never feel pain. Their eyes will be so soft. They will care about you
    the way you have always dreamt of. Your fingers will entwine with theirs
    and I swear, life will make sense. You will finally understand why the storm
    had to come before flowers could bloom in front of you in the name of your
    beloved. With real love, conversations won't have you sweating, screaming
    and aching. They won't have you analyzing each and every word a person
    says. And most significantly, it won't be unrequited; because you will
    magnify each other's light, you will make each other glow. You'll feel like a
    bird that finally left its cage. Real love will make you understand that love is
    nothing but a four letter word without commitment, care, compromise,
    sacrifice, selflessness and affection. You've done so much of the loving, that
    when real loves arrives at your doorstep, you will finally taste the sweetness
    of what it's like to finally be loved just as much in return. Real love won't be
    perfect, but my God, it'll be real.

  13. #13
    Alysha Waghorn - ThirdEyeThoughts
    You're amazing. You can do amazing things.
    You're capable and strong, resilient and brave.
    You are awfully clever when you put your mind
    to work. So do it - put your mind to work. Figure it
    out, whatever it is. Be the person who goes after
    what they want. You've got this. I know you do.
    Hold your head high darling. Eyes open. Spine
    straight. There is so much magic around you. You
    are magic. You are worthy of all your wildest,
    most reckless dreams. Do something this week,
    one thing, that brings you closer to the all you've
    been dreaming of. Take control of the narrative.
    Go after what sets your soul on fire

    Here's the truth: You won't need to prove your worth to
    the right people. Your loyalty won't need to be "tested"
    with the right people. You won't have to buckle your
    heart down on emotional rollercoasters with the right
    people. You wont feel dismissed, or unsure, or optional
    with the right people. Stop avoiding your gut feeling
    when it tells you that you aren't appreciated, or valued,
    or respected. Reassurance is a must. People that are
    meant for us will bring us ease. We won't have to let
    them go or force them to stay, because they're meant to be
    in our lives. Remember, don't be convinced that when
    someone is only giving you bits and pieces, its because
    that's all you deserve. You don't deserve anything less
    than what you give out; and the truth is that they can only
    offer you what they themselves are capable of giving.
    Once you realize that their inability to give you what you
    actually deserve is not your fault and has nothing to do
    with you, you'll stop pitying yourself and accepting less
    from the wrong people.

  14. #14
    Things I Regret The Most (Part 1)
    Saying the witty but unkind thing. Caring too much about what
    people who don't like me think. Breaking myself trying to make
    those people care. Double texting that guy who I knew deep
    down would still leave me on read (he did). Begging to be
    understood by someone who already decided they didn't want
    to understand me. Trying too hard. Not trying enough. Not
    trying at all. Giving into my anger in unhealthy ways. Focusing
    too much on the future rather than a beautiful moment I had
    slipping through my fingers. Believing I had to be perfect in
    order to be loved. Believing I had to be perfect in order to be
    seen. Believing I had to be perfect at all. Skipping therapy.
    Putting the bare minimum on a pedestal. Apologizing to
    someone who owed me the apology. Not apologizing to
    someone I definitely should have. Not forgiving myself sooner.
    Pretending to not give a damn about the things I care deeply
    about. Forgetting I'm allowed to be human.
    Molly Burford

    I'm still trying to learn that a lot of the times, it has
    nothing to do with you. People's emotions and mood
    and hence their behaviour and attitude, are a simply a
    reflection of what they are going through and their
    personal life experiences. I'm still trying to grasp the
    fact that we shouldn't always feel responsible for
    how other people treat us. It's not because there is
    something wrong with us, it's just that there is a
    greater web of complex emotions behind the scenes
    of other people's lives. I'm still trying to accept that
    we shouldn't always start pointing fingers at our own
    self-worth because of other people's behaviour. It's
    not always black and white. Humans are complex,
    and we can't always overanalyze the "whys" and
    "hows" behind everything people do.

  15. #15
    The real challenge of moving forward is our deep-rooted
    attachment to the person we used to be. Sometimes, wve can't move
    on from certain people because we miss the person we used to be.
    We miss how we used to feel. We miss how we loved them (be it a
    friend or a lover or anyone else) and we miss the the bond we had
    created in our mind. If you think about it, this says a lot about your
    character. Even if they disrespected you and treated you
    wrongfully, you loved them. And you don't miss the ill treatment,
    but you miss the love you had for them. You miss having them in
    your life, because your heart still saw the good in them regardless
    of all the bad. This means you're a really loving person, and anyone
    would be lucky to have a friend or partner like you in their life. It
    all comes down to who is actually worthy of you. I know you miss
    them, but remember -your selt respect is more important than
    anything. You were mistreated and taken for granted you don't
    deserve that. Remember, they were never on a pedestal to begin
    with, it was your soft nature that put them on a pedestal. I know
    you miss the person you used to be, but no person has the power to
    change you. You were a loving person and you will always be
    loving person. You will meet new people and you will love them
    the same because it is in your nature to do so. No one can take that
    gift away from you.

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